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A Guide To Record Collecting Now Book i gruppen ÖVRIGT / -Start Jan R2 hos Bengans Skivbutik AB (4387168)
A Guide To Record Collecting Now Book

A Guide To Record Collecting Now Book

99 kr / 49 kr
Inbunden bok
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Vårt lägsta pris 1-30 dagar innan prissänkning: 99 kr
Fakta Vinyl Age, is the definitive record collecting guidebook for the digital era. Written by expert Max Brzezinski and his highly experienced colleagues at Carolina Soul, Vinyl Age, combines an engaging narrative, incisive analysis, and a modern design to reveal the joys and explain the complexities of the contemporary vinyl scene. For aspiring crate diggers, this guide will provide an invaluable big-picture understanding of the vinyl economy, while OG vinyl heads will discover nascent musical genres, new breeds of collector, and models for adapting to the future of record collecting. To the rest of us, Vinyl Age, offers an anatomy of an iconic medium and its growing subculture, its rapid transformation and lasting appeal.
Enheter i förpackning: 1 st
Lev. Artnr.: 9780316419710
Leverantör: Bengans LAS
Media: Inbunden bok
Releasedatum: 2020-10-10
Streckkod: 9780316419710
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